We are delighted to invite you on 18 March at 15.00 to our online webinar on Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, the new initiative under Erasmus+ Key Action 2.
DG EAC’s Director General, Mrs Themis Christophidou, will open the event and present the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies initiative. She will be joined by Mr João Costa, Portuguese Secretary of State of Education who will talk about the role of teachers in the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021- 2030) and by Ms Katarina Grgec, from the Ministry of Education and Science in Croatia who will tell us more about the role of teachers and teacher education as expressed in Council Conclusions “European Teachers and Trainers for the future” adopted in June 2020 under the Croatian presidency.
To discuss the role of teachers, teacher educators in the European Education Area and the potential of the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, the Commission has invited distinguished panellists including representatives from ministries, European stakeholder organisations and from successful Europe-wide projects on teacher education.
The panel discussion on teachers and the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies will be held by:
* Mr Harold Hislop, Chief Inspector at Department of Education and Mr Tomás Ó Ruairc , Director (CEO) of Teaching Council, Ireland
* Prof. Davide Parmigiani, University of Genoa, President of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)
* Dr Cor J.W. Meijer, Director and Dr Amanda Watkins, Assistant Director, European Agency for Development in Special Needs and Inclusive Education
* Prof. Michael Schratz, University of Innsbruck, Austria, project coordinator on a European Doctorate in Teacher Education.
This will be followed by reactions by:
* Ms Susan Flocken, Director, European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) (tbc).
* Mr Daniel Wisniewski, Secretary General, European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) (tbc).
* Ms Nathalie Nikitenko, Déléguée aux Relations Européennes, Internationales et à la Coopération du Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et du Sport, France.
No registration is needed. The webinar will be live web streamed please follow this link.
The recording will also be available on the School Education Gateway afterwards.
We hope you will be interested to watch the webinar and we are counting on you to spread the news about this event, to your colleagues, your external contacts and through your communication media.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tapio Saavala (Tapio.Saavala@ec.europa.eu<mailto:Tapio.Saavala@ec.europa.eu> ; tel +32-2-299.97.37).
For technical and organisational questions, please contact Sophie Poupé (Sophie.poupe@ec.europa.eu <mailto:Sophie.poupe@ec.europa.eu> , tel. +32-2-295.89.19)